Angling Regulations 1. Fly fishing only, single barbless hook on Wolf Creek and bottom pond. 2. Spin fishing is allowed on top two ponds, with single barbless hook, artificials only. 3. Bait fishing is allowed in the top two ponds for children under the age of 14. 4. Slot limit- one brook trout or brown trout per angler per day, 8" to 14". This policy will be assessed over time and we are reasonably sure that some harvest will be an important management tool in the future. 5. Fishing in Wolf Creek should be from low banks only. This policy is designed to protect the stream from erosion & channel degradation, and to protect the fish from improper handling. 6. The Club reserves the right to close Wolf Creek for up to two weeks in conjunction with fish spawning activity during the spring and fall. 7. Float tubing is allowed, and encouraged, in all three ponds. 8. No dogs are allowed in Wolf Creek, or the bottom two ponds, at any time. Dogs will be allowed to swim in the top pond, provided they are not disturbing anyone's fishing.